Our Guarantee at CouponCraze.com(TM)

One of the biggest frustrations with online coupon sites is wasting time with coupons that don’t work. For the last 10 years, Coupon Craze has been committed to making sure our customers always get the deal they expect. You won’t find an expired or non-working coupon on our site. Because at Coupon Craze, we test every one of our coupons to verify that they work. Our 99% Verified Coupons Guarantee is about making it quick and easy to find the best deal, plain and simple.
When you use Coupon Craze to find great deals, you don’t have to sift through socially-shared coupons that almost never work like you have to at some websites. And you don’t have to look for special icons to tell you which of our coupons are guaranteed to work. We just figure, if you’re offering customers savings, shouldn’t you deliver on your promise all of the time, not just some of the time?
In the very rare instance you may come across a coupon that doesn’t work, we provide an easy way for you to let us know with our Feedback feature, located right in the coupon itself. As soon as we receive your feedback, we contact the merchant to make sure there isn’t a mistake. And if the coupon is in fact non-working, we remove it immediately.
Thanks for using Coupon Craze, your loyalty means a lot to us, and we’ll always work our hardest to provide you with the best, and most verified coupons of any website.